Young Londoner’s Victim Service

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The Young Londoners’ Victim Service offers trauma-informed and bespoke support for all young victims and witnesses across London, under the age of 18, enabling them to cope and recover from the impact of crime.

Younge people can use this service if they have been victims or witnesses of crime, whether reported or unreported, to help them cope and develop resilience to recover from their experiences.

The service is free and confidential to access via an online referral form here:

The service is delivered by Catch22 for under-18s. The team of trained caseworkers will deliver a service of support that is trauma informed, person-centred, holistic and future focused, providing emotional and practical support and advocacy to support the individual needs of young people impacted by crime.

This London-wide service will focus on ensuring young people achieve the following outcomes:

  • Enhanced ability to cope and build resilience, enabling them to move forward with their daily life
  • Improved knowledge and greater sense of empowerment
  • Reduced risk of further victimisation and increased feelings of safety
  • Access to the right support when needed.

The service works in partnership with Advance, London Youth, and Kooth , for young victims, to provide specialist support : 

  • Advance, will deliver specialist support, dedicated to working with young women and girls 13-17 years old, requiring support for crimes against women and girls.
  • The TYA Programme, as part of London Youth, will develop and deliver training to Trusted Youth Allies in the community, where young people can access programmes to gain experience and skills to increase their opportunities of employability.
  • Kooth will provide a service for young people and children to access a safe, Confidential and personalised mental health service.

Further information on Kooth can be found here: Young Londoners’ Victim Service – Explore Kooth

A referral can be made by any professional, parent and carer or the young person themselves, at any time into the service for any child or young person between 4-17 years of age.

Referrals can be made here:

Young Londoners Victim Service is a voluntary service, and any child/young person can withdraw themselves from the support at any time